# OpenJij Tutorial Welcome to OpenJij Tutorial! In this tutorial, you will learn how to use quantum annealing and other annealing algorithms using OpenJij. You'll also learn how to use D-Wave Leap, which currently (2019/5) provides a quantum annealing device that can only be used for 1 minute/month, and collaborate with OpenJij. ## Comment This project is still a work in progress. If anyone can help, please join us. You can join the community to participate in the project or ask questions about what you don't understand. - [How to Contribute](../HowToContribute.md) - [OpenJij Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/openjij/shared_invite/enQtNjQyMjIwMzMwNzA4LWU4ODM5ODNjZmIyMzViOTZjODAyM2NmNmM3NTcwYmE2NGFkZGFkOGE3ZWVjMTNkOWZhOTVjMGE4NDI4YjlkMzc)